Special Seminars:
In our modern day society, we often are faced with hunching over a computer at work, rolling our shoulders forward and tensing up as we drive, and slouching as we watch television. Thus causing the muscles in our lower backs to become stretched, and our stomach muscles to shorten and become weak. With this “out of balance” condition, 70% of our population suffers from significant back pain. Our team now offers a specific seminar to bring your employees knowledge on how to change and reverse this painful trend and hopefully eliminate the pain. With proper knowledge, we can make a difference. Some health insurance companies are willing to pay for this type of program. A STUDY OF CENTENARIANS There are several pockets of individuals in the world in significant numbers who live to be 100 years of age and older. We have been studying these groupings of people who seem to have found a natural flow in life that assists them in living well beyond others’ years. Our observations show that they not only live longer lives, but seem to have a higher quality of life. We bring this knowledge of “living a long quality life” to you at your home and your place of work so you can integrate this slowly and gradually into your own lives. It is our desire to provide this information to you in hopes of you living a richer, fuller life as well. |